Hartwell Main Street Facade Grants
A Façade Grant Committee, organized under and funded by the Main Street Design Committee, determines the amount of matching funds based on the proposed façade change, grant funds available and the number of requests under consideration. The Façade Grant Committee will work with a façade grant applicant to gain approval for a façade grant application and to guide the applicant through the necessary steps for approval by the City and the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC).
Façade Grant Eligibility Criteria:
Eligible projects must be located in the Hartwell Downtown Development Authority (DDA) boundary. For information regarding district boundaries, contact the DDA office at 706-376-4756.
Eligible participants include commercial and mixed-use property owners and business owners who are current Partners of Hartwell Main Street. If the property is leased, the business owner to whom the property is leased applies for the grant but the property owner must consent to the proposed project. This consent is provided in the application form. All improvements must:
be in accordance with City of Hartwell ordinances and building codes and must meet the Historic Preservation Commission’s (HPC) design guidelines if located within the Historic District
have an approved Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) application and building permit.
Be in harmony with preservation design guidelines outlined in the U.S. Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation – found in its entirety at http://www.nps.gov/typ/standards/rehabilitation/rehab/stand.htm:
Projects must result in improvements that:
are appropriate for the building and consistent with business use
preserve the architectural integrity and restore, if possible, the original building façade
positively contribute to the appearance and vitality of downtown Hartwell.
Grant Limitations:
Grant payment is made on paid receipts at a rate of 50 cents on the dollar up to a maximum of $2000, per grant.
No funds will be awarded for work that is covered by insurance.
Only one renovation project will be eligible per property in a one year time period.
No grants are available for past projects or for work stated on the application that was completed before application approval.
Work must begin within 6 months of grant request acceptance and be completed within one year of the start date.
Grant Guidelines:
It is encouraged that applicants seek design services in conjunction with this application. Hartwell Main Street can help coordinate services available at Georgia Mountain Region Commission at applicant’s expense.
Participants assume full responsibility for all aspects of the project, relationship with contractors and suppliers, and securing all necessary municipal approvals.
Funds are only available for exterior improvements, and may be applied to a front, side or rear façade facing a public street, public walkway or public parking.
From minor improvements, to full-scale restoration, a wide scope of work range will be considered, including:
Exterior walls/materials
Exterior building painting, re-siding (color and material must be approved by the Façade Grant Subcommittee using the historic color palette as a guideline)
Facade grant committee approved signage
Exterior door, window and storefront feature repair/replacement/renovation
Gutters and downspouts, flashing installation/replacement and repair
Awnings and canopies installation/replacement or repair
Replacement/uncovering of architectural features
Replacement of non-historical storefronts/buildings
Restoration of original/or historic façade
Structural stabilization
Masonry repairs and pointing
Exterior building lighting (not parking lots/pavement lighting)
Masonry cleaning (by gentlest means possible), if required for façade painting/stucco, etc. (Inappropriate chemical cleaners and sandblasting are strictly forbidden for surface cleaning of structures, due to possible damage of aged building components.)
Other agreed upon façade-oriented repairs and improvements
Ineligible Work includes but not limited to:
Interior improvements of any kind
Personal property/equipment/tools
General Maintenance (e.g. pressure washing, other than paint preparation)
Security system, window bars, cameras
Sidewalk improvements
Landscape improvements
New construction
Application Guidelines:
Applications are available at the Building Inspector’s office at the city fire department, by emailing or calling Nancy Hardigree (see below) or by going online to hartwellmainstreet.com under DDA tab and then under Partner Available Grants tab and download the Facade Grant.
Applicants interested in the program should consult with Alan Daniel, Building Inspector, at 706-371-3233 to obtain appropriate city permits and, if necessary, a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) from the Historic Preservation Commission.
If you would like to print and mail the completed application form, please submit it to:
Hartwell Main Street
c/o Nancy Hardigree
306 Athens St.
Hartwell, GA. 30643
or by email to nancyhardigree@gmail.com
When submitting your application, please remember to include the required attachments with your application:
A picture of the project property
Samples of paint colors, siding, awning materials to be used on the facade project
Pictures of doors, windows, other replacements or restorations
Description of project or contractor/architect renderings
Applicants are encouraged to solicit bids from local contractors
Please note: Any work performed on the applicant’s project before the decision to make a grant award is ineligible for grant funding. All work should be pre-approved by the Hartwell Main Street Program. Approved applicants who change the scope of work or elect to use a new contractor must submit new estimates and a revised proposal which must be reviewed and approved for the work to be eligible for reimbursement.
Application Review:
Applications will be reviewed by the Hartwell Main Street Façade Grant Committee within thirty (30) days of receipt and in the order received. ONLY COMPLETED APPLICATIONS WILL BE REVIEWED. A complete application includes the application form and all supporting materials as specified in the instructions. Incomplete application packets will be returned to the sender within two weeks of submission.
The Hartwell Main Street Façade Grant Subcommittee shall:
Review each application packet for completeness
Make a determination regarding eligibility
Grant approval, denial or request additional information on the project.
Each application packet will be reviewed on the following standards:
Historic and architectural significance and/or visual prominence of building
Compatibility with the Historic Preservation Commission’s design guidelines and/or the characteristics of the downtown area
Impact upon downtown streetscape and pedestrian atmosphere
Quality of the work proposed
Any other relevant factors deemed by the Hartwell Main Street Program to be applicable.
The Hartwell Main Street Program reserves the right to table, deny or request modifications to any application packets. A letter will indicate the reasons for doing so. The applicant may choose to address any issues identified by the program and re-apply for a grant.
After project completion, the applicant is reimbursed with awarded grant funds upon:
Satisfactory completion of the project with conformance to approved plans
Grant payment is made on materials and labor based on receipts and proof of payment, including canceled checks or credit card statement. Submitted paid invoices for work completed on approved projects will be reimbursed at up to $.50 per $1.00 of the project’s approved façade renovation costs. The award will not exceed the Façade Grant Program Maximum grant of $2000.
Before and after photos required
Compliance with all applicable municipal rules, laws, ordinances, and regulations;
All reimbursement requests are to be submitted to: Hartwell Main Street Program c/o Nancy Hardigree, 306 Athens St., Hartwell, GA. 30643
If there are questions please contact Nancy Hardigree at nancyhardigree@gmail.com or 706-436-3031. The Hartwell Main Street Program reserves the right to increase or decrease the grant award upon receipt of actual expenditures
Hartwell Facade Grants In Action
Here are just a few examples of the improvements made through our Downtown Main Street Facade Grant Program.